Is My Car Suspension Bad? Here Are 6 Warning Signs
From bumpy rides to clunking sounds, we share some tell-tale warning signs to let you know if your vehicle’s suspension has gone bad. Â What Are Vehicles Suspensions? Â Suspensions are what connect the body of your car to the wheels. They impact driving performance and create comfortable rides when going over bumps and road […]
6 Reasons Why Your Brakes Are Grinding, Making Squeaky Noises
Have you ever rolled down your window to check if it’s your brakes making all that embarrassing noise? How Do Brake Pads Work? Â Â When you press on the brake, the calipers squeeze the brake pads against the brake rotors. The distance between them is mere millimeters. This friction created between the pads against the […]
3 Signs That Your Car’s Air Conditioner Needs Freon
If you find your car’s air conditioning to be weak or failing altogether, the problem could simply be due to low refrigerant (freon) levels. We show you three tell-tale signs you can identify in minutes!
4 Signs That It’s Time For A Wheel Alignment
A minor misalignment, if left unresolved, can easily lead to costly repair bills. We dive into what a wheel alignment is, why they are important, and signs to identify if your car is misaligned. Â Â WHAT IS A WHEEL ALIGNMENT? A wheel alignment is often referred to as a tire alignment. When your vehicle was […]
Is It Dangerous To Drive With Low Tire Pressure?
Ignoring low tire pressure causes issues with handling, fuel economy, tire wear, and safety on the freeway! If it’s been awhile since you’ve last checked, or if temperatures have dropped, fill those tires – now!   Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Your Low Tire Pressure Warning Light (TPMS)  Similar to your low-fuel warning light, […]
Do Not Buy A Used Car Until You Check These 7 Things
Planning to buy a used car and not sure where to start? Don’t worry, our ASE-Certified Technicians highlight their top tips to help you make an informed decision, and avoid costly mistakes!   We All Know Someone With A Used-Car Nightmare Story  Here are 7 ways to make sure you don’t become that ‘someone’ […]
9 Ways To Increase Gas Mileage by 45% | Integrity 1st Automotive
It is entirely possible, and frankly not that difficult, to go farther on a gallon of gas. Improving fuel economy not only saves you money but also helps the environment by reducing emissions! Â From the cost of milk to the cost at the pumps…inflation is affecting every one of us. Now more than ever, […]
 What Is An ASE-Certified Mechanic? | Integrity 1st Automotive
Earning certification from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) is no easy feat. Rest assured that ASE-Certified mechanics have the proven knowledge, experience, and expertise to service your vehicle. ASE stands for Automotive Service Excellence   Have you ever gotten a recommendation from a car mechanic that didn’t work out? In all likelihood, […]
Are Vehicle Fluid Flushes/Exchanges Worth The Money?
Vehicle manufacturers sometimes deem regular fluid flushes as unnecessary – but let’s not forget their goal is to sell more cars every year. Fluid flush services however are designed by world-class engineers to keep your car on the road. Â Â Are You Planning On Keeping Your Vehicle? Â The truth is that the job of […]
How Far & How Fast Can You Drive On A Spare Tire?
If you’re using a spare tire due to a flat tire, you’ll want to know these critical safety tips on how to proceed without exasperating more damage to your tire, rim, and vehicle. Â Â How Far Can You Drive On A Flat Tire? Â If you have a flat tire, the rule is simple, DO […]