The sudden blink of your car’s oil light is enough to send shivers down any driver’s spine—because let’s be honest, the severity of this issue cannot be ignored.
Therefore, if you’ve ever wondered, “Why is my oil light on?”, this article is for you.
Imagine your engine as a high-performance machine with several moving parts. Similarly, oil is the lifeblood of this system, which acts as a lubricant and coolant.
The oil pump in your vehicle circulates the oil throughout the engine, which in return, creates pressure. The oil light sensors in your vehicle monitor this pressure and when you find the light is turned on, it’s a critical warning signalling critically low oil pressure. This low pressure can be due to many reasons, such as insufficient oil, a malfunctioning oil pump, or a failing engine.
But what if you want to push it a few more miles to get home, especially if you’re stranded in an unfamiliar place? While it’s true that ignoring this warning can lead to catastrophic engine damage, the reality is often more complex.
The oil light is your engine’s final cry for help before irreparable damage occurs. Ignoring this warning is like ignoring a smoke alarm in a burning house.
Understand the Types of Oil Warning Light
The answer to “Why is my oil light coming on” is subjective to your warning lights. Your vehicle may face different oil-related issues that trigger different warning lights on your dashboard.
Here are a few signs you can recognize these symbols to take timely action.

Oil Pressure Warning Light
The oil pressure warning light is indicated by an oil can symbol with a wavy line or red in color.
The reason why my oil pressure lights up is that of low oil levels, but don’t be complacent.
Driving while your oil pressure light comes in is dangerous and can lead to severe engine damage.
Instead, top up the oil and get your car checked by a professional immediately.
Oil Level Warning Light
The yellow oil level warning light is symbolized by an oil can with a drop or a low oil level indicator. While concerning, it’s not as critical as a red oil pressure light because it only indicates low oil levels, which can be resolved by adding more oil.
Though you can drive the car safely with the oil level warning light on, avoid high speeds, drive cautiously, and pay attention to unusual engine noises.
To check the oil level, use a dipstick and add oil to resolve the issue.
Oil Temperature Warning Light
If you wonder, “Why does my oil light come on and off?”, this might be the reason.
The oil temperature warning light is indicated by an oil can with a thermometer. It warns you of an overheating engine that may affect the performance.
- Some possible causes of an oil temperature warning light popping on include:
- Transmission cooler malfunction
- Transmission fluid issues
- Torque converter issues
- Electrical glitch
Oil Change Reminder Light
Oil change reminder lights are often indicated by a spanner wrench with an oil drop. It shows you that the recommended interval for an oil and filter change has been reached.
However, sometimes your oil service light may come earlier than your scheduled time or miles. In such cases, it indicates an issue, such as an oil leak or burning oil.
Oil Life Indicator Light
The oil life indicator light shows the remaining oil life in your vehicle. Many vehicles feature a digital display or a percentage indicator for this.
When the remaining oil life reaches a low level, it’s time for an oil change.
Why Is My Oil Light On? Possible Reasons and Solutions
So, “What causes oil light to come on?”
Well, an illuminated oil light can be a result of many reasons that indicate a serious issue, such as potential engine failure.
However, here are a few common reasons your oil light is on and their possible solutions.

Low Oil Pressure Issue
One of the most serious problems you’ll encounter is the low oil pressure in your vehicle as it can cause severe engine damage.
To cater to this, check oil levels regularly and look for potential leaks in your engine. Also, make sure the oil pump is functioning properly.
Issue With Oil Pressure Gauge
Sometimes, there’s no issue with your oil pressure but your faulty gauge might falsely indicate low pressure. Therefore, schedule weekly or monthly visits with a mechanic to avoid this issue.For more information, check out our article on how the oil pressure gauge works.
Damaged Oil Pressure Sensor
A defective and damaged sensor will unnecessarily trigger the oil pressure light, which may lead to serious misunderstanding and extra costs.
Retest the sensor and replace it with a new one if found faulty.
Oil Pressure Relief Valve Issues
Sometimes, low pressure is due to a stuck relief valve that needs professional diagnosis and repair immediately.
Extremely Low Oil Level
The insufficient oil levels in your tank may cause low pressure, triggering the pressure oil light.
Always use a dipstick to check the oil levels and refill, if needed.
Failing Oil Pump
If you have a faulty oil pump, it won’t circulate the oil effectively. To cater to this, replace the oil pump for proper functioning.
Clogged Oil Filter
Just like a clogged drain restricts water flow, a blocked oil filter restricts oil flow, turning the lights on.
Schedule a visit to your mechanic to diagnose this problem and replace the filter with a new one.
Oil Leakage
One of the reasons your oil levels go down is oil leakage, causing low pressure.
Consult the mechanic to locate the leak and resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Blocked Oil Lines or Filter
Sometimes, dust, debris, and other contaminants obstruct the oil passages, hindering the oil flow.
This problem requires professional diagnosis and proper cleaning of the lines or filters.
Engine May Be Overheating
High temperatures can affect oil viscosity, leading to low pressure. Address overheating issues.
Oil May Be Dirty
Contaminated oil can reduce the effectiveness of your oil performance, triggering the light sensors.
It is recommended to change the oil and filter and use the oil as recommended by your manufacturer or mechanic.
Oil Dilution
Sometimes, gasoline in your oil can thin out over time, affecting oil pressure.
Identifying the cause and fixing the problem of oil dilution is important.
Electrical Issues
Very seldom, some electrical issues may trigger your oil sensor lights.
To solve this problem, check the wiring and connections and visit a mechanic for a comprehensive diagnosis.
Also See: faulty ignition coil.
Is It Safe to Drive with the Light On?
So, you’re finally stuck in a position where your oil light sensors are blinking, signaling a serious issue!
The question remains; is it safe to drive with the light on?
Absolutely not. Especially if the low oil pressure light is turned on, stop driving the car immediately to avoid potential engine damage.
Illuminated oil light indicates serious issues with your vehicle’s oil system. And so, if you continue driving the car, it might cost you expensive repairs and a complete engine replacement.
If you notice your oil light on, pull over the car safely and turn the engine off. Also, consult a mechanic as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and repair.
Visit Integrity 1st Automotive Today
The complexities of an oil engine and why your oil light is on can be too much sometimes.
Have you tried everything in your power to diagnose the oil light problems, but the problem still persists?
We understand that this can be overwhelming. But no issues…
At Integrity 1st Automotive, we have a skilled team of mechanics who are equipped with the right tools, hands-on knowledge, and years of experience to tackle those blinking lights and access the root cause of the problems.
Whether your vehicle needs a simple oil change or complex engine repair, our reputable services provide peace of mind with guaranteed results to keep your car running smoothly.
Is your oil change reminder light still blinking?
While you’re here, don’t miss out on our expert oil change services to improve your car’s performance and longevity. We use superior-quality oil and filters to protect your vehicle’s engine and extend its life.
Schedule an appointment with Integrity 1st Automotive today!
Why Is My Oil Light On When My Oil Is Fine?
Sometimes, the oil level seems normal but still, the lights indicate a low oil pressure. This could be due to many reasons, including, a clogged filter, a faulty oil pump, or a problem with an oil pressure sensor. For more information on why your oil light comes on even when the oil is full, check out our detailed guide.
Why is my oil light keep coming on, is a question many car enthusiasts dread thinking. That’s mainly because your vehicle is asking for serious help and in need of urgent assistance.
Some of the many reasons that trigger your oil light may include:
- Low oil pressure
- Low oil levels
- Contaminated oil
- Overheating engine
And many others.
But diagnosing the problem and fixing it beforehand can save you potential engine damage and heavy repair costs.
However, sometimes, we’re in the middle of nowhere with our car and the light suddenly starts blinking. In such a scenario, the sane thing to do is to turn off the engine and call a professional for help and diagnosis.
If you’re unsure who to call in such cases, always count on Integrity 1st Automotive for urgent fixes, proper diagnosis, and possible repairs to your vehicle.
How Do I Know If My Oil Is Dirty?
One of the few signs of dirty oil is its appearance. It’s usually darker than new oil with a burnt or pungent smell that feels thicker when checked with a dipstick.
Why Is My Oil Light On While Driving?
It could indicate low oil pressure or a serious engine issue. If it happens, stop driving immediately and consult a professional.
Can I Just Add Oil To Make The Light Go Off?
It depends. If the light is giving a low-level warning, then it might solve the issue. However, if the problem is with pressure or temperature, refilling your oil won’t help much.